
"Ontwikkelingen in Grondboringen"

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The new KIWA requirements for clays in water well drilling

Robert Haarsma, KIWA


Verification of groundwater influence of sealing clays by a modified testing method

Peter Grubert, Gesellschaft für Grundbau und Umwelttechnik GmbH


DIN 4904: a good tool to compare properties of sealing clays for water well construction

Matthias Schellhorn, Stephan Schmidt, Leiter Produktgruppe Mineralprodukte


Detection of clay barriers and case studies by geophysical measurements

Gunther Baumann, Bohrlochmessung-Storkow GmbH


Recent developments of new sealing clays for water wells and geothermal drillings at SSKG

Mona Schiller, Stephan Schmidt, Project Manager Advanced Clay Minerals